Please encourage promising students and colleagues to check out the Fellowship Opportunities section of our website for these and other NBER fellowship openings. We strongly encourage applications from women, members of groups that have been under-represented in the economics profession, individuals with disabilities, and veterans.
Applications are accepted through JOE until December 9, 2021.
1. NBER Pre- and Post-Doctoral Fellowships in Aging and Health Research: Support available for 2 post-doc and 8 pre-doc fellows at NBER’s office in Cambridge to focus on health and aging issues. Funded by the National Institute on Aging and NBER, under the direction of David Cutler and Amy Finkelstein. Open to US Citizens and permanent residents.
2. NBER Pre- and Post-Doctoral Fellowships in Retirement and Disability Research: Support for 2 post-docs at NBER’s office in Cambridge and 2 pre-docs at their home universities, with a focus on the economic or policy implications of retirement and/or disability. Funded by the Social Security Administration and NBER, under the direction of Nicole Maestas.
3. NBER Post-Doctoral Fellowships on the Economics of an Aging Workforce: Support for 1 post-doc at NBER’s office in Cambridge on the economic aspects of the labor market activity of older workers. Funded by a grant to NBER from the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, under the direction of Nicole Maestas.
Questions about any of these fellowships can be emailed to Khansa Mahum, Program Assistant, at Thank you for helping to publicize these opportunities.