The 2024 Annual Workshop on U.S. State Policies, Population Health, and Aging will be held on May 21, 2024 in person at Syracuse University. The workshop is cosponsored by the Center for Aging and Policy Studies, funded by the National Institute on Aging (P30AG066583), and the Center for Policy Research at the Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs at Syracuse University.
Participants: The workshop is aimed at researchers who study, or are interested in studying, how U.S. state policies affect adult health. Advanced graduate students who are ABD, post-doctoral fellows, and early career researchers and faculty are encouraged to apply. We anticipate providing support for travel expenses (up to $2000) for ten Workshop Fellows.
Objectives: The objective of the workshop is to build the research capacity for examining how U.S. state contexts, and their changes in recent decades, have affected population health across the adult life course. This area of research can be challenging because it is interdisciplinary and requires unique data sources and complex analytic methods. To advance this area of research, the workshop has four aims: 1) foster collaborations among participants from multiple disciplines, 2) showcase methods for dealing with high-dimensional, highly correlated structure of data often needed to analyze the effects of state contexts on health, 3) teach a core type of statistical model for analyzing the effects of state contexts (this year’s focus is Mundlak regression), and 4) facilitate dissemination and translation of this research into policymaking.
Workshop Fellow Application Instructions: The application deadline is February 1, 2024. Before proceeding to the application site, please assemble the following materials into a single pdf: (1) current CV, (2) a one-page statement describing your overall research interests. Please highlight research that you have conducted, or plan to conduct, on the impact of U.S. states on health. Applicants will be notified by March 15, 2024. Any questions, email