Call for 2024-25 Pilot Project Applications
On behalf of the NIA P30 Center on Healthy Aging Behaviors and Longitudinal Investigations (CHABLIS) at the University of Chicago, we are pleased to announce a call for applications for pilot projects beginning July 1, 2024. We are accepting pilot project applications from both internal and external investigators, and we expect to fund four one-year pilots studies with an average of $25k per pilot. Pilots should fit within the overall mission of the center, which is to leverage longitudinal data to examine how demographic and economic factors impact healthy aging behaviors and health outcomes among older adults and over the life course. Additional guidelines are listed in the RFA found on our website.
Call for Postdoctoral Fellowships beginning in Summer 2024
The NIA T32 Demography and Economics of Aging Postdoctoral Program is affiliated with CHABLIS and supports several postdoctoral fellowships per year. We are currently accepting applications for start dates in Spring/Summer 2024. Candidates from across the social sciences who are interested broadly in the demography and economics of aging are encouraged to apply. Learn more and apply here.
We also have open positions for the AHRQ T32 Health Services Research Program and the NCATS TL1 Postdoctoral Program in Clinical Research, Biomedical Informatics, and Health Equity. Applicants are encouraged to reach out to the contacts below to discuss their application and whether one or more of these programs is a good fit for their research and future goals.
Please reach out to Kelsey Bogue at and Fahad Sajid at with questions about these opportunities.