We are proud to announce that the Gateway to Global Aging Data (Gateway) Team at the University of Southern California is arranging a symposium during the Gerontological Society of America’s 2024 Annual Meeting in Seattle, Washington scheduled from November 13 to 16, 2024. The session, titled “Health Impacts of the Social and Physical Environment in Global and Cross-National Studies,” is open for abstract submissions. We invite the submission of abstracts for the symposium that leverage the harmonized datafiles from the Gateway, enabling the execution of single-country or cross-country comparative studies that offer valuable insights into the aging experience worldwide.
If you are interested in submitting an abstract for this symposium, please submit a 250-word abstract to the Gateway team by filling out the application.
The deadline for submission is 11:59 PM (Pacific time) on February 26, 2024. Abstract authors will be notified by March 4th to allow sufficient time to submit before the general GSA submission deadline of March 14th.
Accepted submissions will receive reimbursement for the GSA conference registration fee after the completion of the GSA conference.
For more details, please see GSA’s Call for Abstracts.
If you encounter any issues with completing the Google form, please email the Gateway team at