a Conference
Wednesday, 07/20/2022 to 07/21/2022. ARCHIVED EVENT
Location: Minneapolis, MN and Online
The Network for Data-Intensive Research on Aging (NDIRA) is proud to sponsor the 2022 Data-Intensive Research Conference. We are planning on an in-person conference with virtual components; however, we continue to monitor the public health situation related to COVID-19 and will convert to a fully virtual event if warranted.
2022 Conference Theme: Contextualizing Work and Health Disparities across the Life Course
COVID-19 has changed conventions around work and health while also highlighting and exacerbating disparities. These changes are taking place alongside technological innovations, globalization, shifting economies, and changing demographics of places and the workforce. The 2022 Data-Intensive Research Conference will showcase research that explores disparities in work and health within and across particular contexts and demographic subgroups in the U.S. and international settings.
Abstracts for the 2022 Data-Intensive Research Conference are due March 18, 2022. A pre-conference workshop intended for NDIRA members will be held immediately before the conference on July 18-19 (Workshop applications are open through April 11). Registration for the conference will open in May 2022.