Thursday, 03/25/2021, 9:00 am. ARCHIVED EVENT
Panel organized by Jacqueline Angel (UT Austin) and Rebeca Wong (The University of Texas Medical Branch), and presented by The Center on Aging and Population Sciences (CAPS)
Thursday March 25, 2021
10:00 AM – 11:30 AM Central Time

(you must login to your zoom account to join)
Jacqueline Torres (Univ of California San Francisco, UCSF) “Living alone in late-life: prevalence and outcomes in the US and Mexico”
Flavia Andrade (University of Illinois) “Unmet needs for personal assistance among older adults in Mexico: 2001-2015“
Rogelio Saenz (University of Texas at San Antonio) “The Disproportionate Impact of COVID-19 on Older Latino Mortality: The Rapidly Diminishing Latino Paradox and implications for Elder Care”
Moderator: Jacqueline Angel
Co-sponsored by: RCMAR (Resource Center for Minority Aging Research) at UTMB and NIA International Conference on Aging in the Americas (ICAA)