a Workshop
Monday, 06/12/2017 to 06/16/2017. ARCHIVED EVENT
Location: US Census Bureau, Suitland, MD
This workshop will present the main components of data analysis usiing modern computational tools. Hands-on exercises will allow participants to apply the analytic techniques and computational methods covered during the workshop and to become familiar with the statistical software environment. Participants who have their own data sets will have the opportunity to apply the techniques learned in the course and to receive feedback on their results.
Course Contents
– Exploratory data analysis, descriptive statistics, and predictive data analysis with an emphasis on understanding of the data set
– Data wrangling, including importing, conversions, transformations, and quality control
– Methods of reporting and visualization with an emphasis on best practices for accurately communicating results
– Statistical software use to assist in analysis of real world data, including population and economic data, and/or participant-provided data
Audience and Prerequisites
This introductory workshop is designed to meet the needs of participants involved in national programs that regularly consume and report on data gathered from a variety of sources. No previous experience applying data analytics or using statistical software packages is required. Good computer skills are preferred.
Date: June 12 – 16, 2017
Place: U.S. Census Bureau Headquarters, Suitland, Maryland (near Washington, D.C.)
Tuition: US $2,500
Apply early. The workshop will be limited to 15 participants. Those who complete the application requirements will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. For more information e-mail pop.international.workshops@census.gov