a Training
Monday, 07/06/2020 to 07/07/2020. ARCHIVED EVENT
Location: RAND, Santa Monica, California
The Mini-Medical School, sponsored by the National Institute on Aging and the NIH Office of Behavioral and Social Sciences Research, is an invitational series of lectures about biomedical issues relating to aging. The Mini-Medical School program should be of interest to all non-medically trained scholars whose research relates to the aging process and the medical treatment of elderly.
The program is organized as a series of lectures, each with a distinct theme. Topics will be drawn from the diverse fields of biomedicine, including biology, genetics, patient care, psychiatry, and other areas. Expert clinicians and researchers will lecture on how the practice of medicine can inform, and improve, social science research. Participants will gain insight into the science of aging and a greater understanding of relevant medical issues.
The 2020 conference will be held July 6-7, just prior to the workshop in Demography, Economics, Psychology, and Epidemiology of Aging. Participants attending RSI are encouraged to attend both sessions. The Mini-Medical School will pay travel and living expenses for as many of the invited attendees as funds allow. This program affords a unique opportunity to learn about the practice of medicine in an informal setting with other social science researchers.
The following speakers are confirmed:
Judith Campisi, Buck Institute for Research on Aging
Steve Cole, UCLA
Holly Ingraham, University of California, San Francisco
Kenneth Kosik, University of California, Santa Barbara
Kristine Yaffe, University of California, San Francisco
A preliminary agenda will be made available in the near future.