Richard Kalish Innovative Publication Award
Recipients: Sara J. Czaja, PhD, FGSA, of the Weill Cornell Medicine; Walter R. Boot, PhD, FGSA, of Florida State University; Neil Charness, PhD, FGSA, of Florida State University; Wendy A. Rogers, PhD, FGSA, of University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
For the book, “Designing for Older Adults: Principles and Creative Human Factors Approaches”
Recipients: Kira Birditt, PhD, FGSA, of the University Michigan; Nicky J. Newton, PhD, of the University of Michigan; James A. Cranford, PhD, of the University of Michigan; Lindsay H. Ryan, PhD, of the University of Michigan
For the article, “Stress and Negative Relationship Quality Among Older Couples: Implications for Blood Pressure”
This award recognizes insightful and innovative publications on aging and life course development in the behavioral and social sciences in two categories: (1) Book Category and (2) Article Category.
