The Specialized Training Program in the Demography and Economics of Aging at the University of Chicago, funded by the National Institute of Aging (T32 AG000243), trains doctoral recipients interested in the fields of demography and economics of aging through the development of basic and applied research and policy-making and analysis. This training program is administered by the University of Chicago’s Center for Health and Social Sciences (CHeSS) and is affiliated with the Center on Healthy Aging Behaviors and Longitudinal Investigations (CHABLIS) at the University of Chicago.
- We are currently accepting applications for one open position to begin anytime in 2022 or early 2023. The goal of these postdoctoral fellowships is to train recent doctoral recipients interested in the demographic and economic analysis of aging through the development of basic methodological tools, applied research, policy-making and analysis, and professional development.
- Applications are being reviewed currently and will be accepted until the positions are filled.
- You may contact Absera Melaku ( to see if a position is still available.
- Learn more on our website here.