The Research Centers Collaborative Network (RCCN) seeks to fund at least two collaborative pilot, planning or meeting grants supporting interdisciplinary research in cross cutting theme areas per grant cycle. Each award will provide up to $65,000 in direct costs. The proposals must include investigators affiliated with at least two different NIA Centers Programs (AITCs, Shock, Roybal, Older American Independence Centers (Pepper), Resource Centers for Minority Aging Research, Centers for Demography and Economics of Aging, and Alzheimer’s Disease Research Centers).
Please note the RCCN Pilot Award RFA has recently been revised to allow for a wider variety of topics, including those not previously covered by an RCCN Workshop. We have also added a new letter of intent stage for applicants. Review the new RFA here. Please reach out to with any questions.
The deadline to apply for this cycle is Monday, October 2 at 5pm ET. Instructions for how to submit an Letter of Intent are available here.